Come to the table

14 Oct

L.I.F.E. = Love Inside of Fellowship, Eternally

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; (Psalm 23:5)

Are you feeling weary? Do you need a dose of hope and encouragement?

On Friday October 13, 2017 we had our weekly virtual Dream Gathering.

Several extraordinary things happened, including how two of us were inspired to dress to “feast at God’s Heavenly banqueting table”.

Lauri Kritzer, the hospitality directory at the Cornerstone Inn in Nashville, Indiana facilitated the discussion.

The conversation was so inspirational, so empowering, I knew I was to share it with my followers

Here are a few things that jumped out at me:

  • The banqueting table that He prepares for us is in the presence of our enemies. An enemy can be anyone or anything that pulls us away from our single life focus of fellowshipping inside this safe place.
  • L.I.F.E. = Love Inside of Fellowship, Eternally
  • There is health and wealth and everything you need on that table. There is never going to be a bowl of discouragement, or failure, or rejection. There’s never going to be anything on that table that would draw me away from who he is, and who he made me to be.
  • This place contains the life and love that you need right now.
  • This is the great wealth transfer!!!
  • Come to this table. You are going to receive everything you need.
  • Without the boundary of His love and the refuge, there is no true North, no way to align with His heart.

Enjoy! By the way, the first five minutes of the replay might make you laugh hard if you are open to that.

The Dream Gathering on Friday October 13


The Lord told Lauri, “You have everything that you need to offer Me. These are wealth words to me: Offer your thanksgiving, pay attention, attend unto my Word, lend an ear here, yield your person, give credit which is acknowledge, spend your time, invest your effort, focus your attention, that your OBEDIENCE will be all that you need to transfer the wealth of Heaven to the earth.”

Be sure to read the comments below about the Heavenly feast and to share your own!!!

Blessings to come to the table!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor and The Connector
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I’m Not

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